I/O line passing

You can configure XBee/XBee-PRO S2C DigiMesh 2.4s to perform analog and digital line passing. When a device receives an RF I/O sample data packet, you can set up the receiving device to update any enabled outputs (PWM and DIO) based on the data it receives.

Digital I/O lines are mapped in pairs; pins configured as digital input on the transmitting device affect the corresponding digital output pin on the receiving device. For example: DI5 (pin 25) can only update DO5 (pin 25).

For Analog Line Passing, the XBee/XBee-PRO S2C DigiMesh 2.4 has two PWM output pins that simulate the voltage measured by the ADC lines AD0 and AD1. For example, when configured as an ADC, AD0 (pin 33) updates PWM0 (pin 7); AD1 (pin 32) updates PWM1 (pin 8).

The default setup is for outputs to not be updated. Instead, a device sends I/O sample data out the serial interface in API mode, even if the destination node is not configured for API mode. You can use the IU command to disable sample data output.

On the destination node, the IU parameter enables the serial port to output I/O samples it receives. IU is set to 1 by default. If IU is set and the destination node is not in Command mode, it displays samples it receives on its serial port in API format. The AP parameter is ignored in this case.

To enable updating the outputs, set the IA (I/O Input Address) parameter with the address of the device that has the appropriate inputs enabled. This effectively binds the outputs to a particular device’s input. This does not affect the ability of the device to receive I/O line data from other devices - only its ability to update enabled outputs. Set the IA parameter to 0xFFFF (broadcast address) to set up the device to accept I/O data for output changes from any device on the network.

For line passing to function, the device configured with inputs must generate sample data.