API frame structure

The structured data packets in API mode are called frames. They are sent and received through the serial interface of the device and contain the wireless message itself as well as some extra information such as the destination/source of the data or the signal quality.

When a device is in API mode, all data entering and leaving the module through the serial interface is contained in frames that define operations or events within the device.

An API frame has the following structure:



Length Frame data Checksum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... n n+1
0x7E MSB LSB API-specific structure Single byte

Note MSB represents the most significant byte, and LSB represents the least significant byte.

Any data received through the serial interface prior to the start delimiter is silently discarded by the XBee. If the frame is not received correctly, or if the checksum fails, the data is also discarded and the module indicates the nature of the failure by replying with another frame.

Start delimiter

The start delimiter is the first byte of a frame consisting of a special sequence of bits that indicate the beginning of a data frame. Its value is always 0x7E. This allows for easy detection of a new incoming frame.


The length field specifies the total number of bytes included in the frame data field. Its two-byte value excludes the start delimiter, the length, and the checksum.

Frame data

This field contains the information received or to be transmitted. Frame data is structured based on the purpose of the API frame:






Frame data





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... n n+1




Frame-type-specific data



Note MSB represents the most significant byte, and LSB represents the least significant byte.


Checksum is the last byte of the frame and helps test data integrity. It is calculated by taking the hash sum of all the API frame bytes that came before it, excluding the first three bytes (start delimiter and length).

Note Frames sent through the serial interface with incorrect checksums will never be processed by the module and the data will be ignored.

Calculate the checksum of an API frame

  1. Add all bytes of the packet, excluding the start delimiter 0x7E and the length (the second and third bytes).
  2. From the result, keep only the lowest 8 bits.
  3. Subtract this quantity from 0xFF.

Verify the checksum of a given API frame

  1. Add all bytes including the checksum (do not include the delimiter and length).
  2. If the checksum is correct, the last two digits on the far right of the sum will equal FF.