Forgot user name or password

If you have forgotten your log in credentials, you can access the Remote Manager log in screen for help.

Forgot your password

Follow these instructions to reset your password.

  1. Access the Remote Manager log in screen.
  2. Click Forgot Username or Password?. The Forgot user name or password screen appears.
  3. Select the I forgot my password option.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Username field, enter the user name associated with the user account.

    Note Be sure to enter the correct user name. If the user name is invalid, Remote Manager will not find a user account, and won't send a password reset email.

  6. Click Next. A message appears in the screen, notifying you that a Remote Manager password reset email has been sent to the email address associated with the user account.

    Note If you do not receive a password reset email, verify that the user name you entered is correct.

  7. Open the email and follow the instructions. The Remote Manager Change Password screen appears.
    • In the New Password field, enter the new password.
    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the same password. The entries in these two fields must match exactly.
  8. Click OK. The Remote Manager log in screen appears.
  9. Log in to Remote Manager, using your new password.

Forgot your user name

Follow these instructions to discover the user names associated with your email address.

  1. Access the Remote Manager log in screen.
  2. Click Forgot Username or Password?. The Forgot user name or password screen appears.
  3. Select the I forgot my user name option.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Email field, enter the email address associated with the user account.

    Note Be sure to enter a valid email address that is associated with a user account. If the email address is invalid or not associated with a user account, Remote Manager will not find a user account, and won't send the informational email.

  6. Click Next. A message appears in the screen, notifying you that a Remote Manager account information request email has been sent to the email address you entered.

    Note If you do not receive an email, verify that the email address you entered is valid and associated with a user account.

  7. Open the email. All user names associated with the email address you provided appear in the email. Each user name represents a different user account.
  8. Click the link in the email. The Remote Manager log in screen appears. The Username field is populated with the first user name in the list found in the email. You can change the user name if you want to access a different user account.
  9. Log in to Remote Manager, using the password associated with the user name.