List ports via command line

The list_ports command allows you to list all available serial and USB ports on your computer. To list the ports on your computer using the XCTU CLI:

  1. Enter the following command syntax.
    XCTUcmd list_ports

    The location of the base call to XCTUcmd executable depends on your operating system:

    • Windows: <installation_directory>/XCTUcmd.exe
    • MacOS X: <installation_directory>/
    • Linux: <installation_directory>/XCTUcmd

  1. If the command is executed successfully, the command line prompt returns an error code 0. A return code different than 0 is represented by the error ID. Enter the following command for a list of possible errors:
    XCTUcmd --errorlist


Some commands have multiple options. There are no options for the list_ports command.