Load profile via command line

The load_profile command allows you to load a previously saved profile to the specified device. To load a profile using the XCTU CLI:

  1. Enter the following command syntax. Both -f <file> and -p <port> are required parameters. The rest are optional. The file option must point to an existing XPRO profile. These files are generated from the XCTU graphic application and can be stored anywhere in your computer.
    XCTUcmd load_profile -f <file> -p <port> [-b <baud_rate>] [-e] [-o] [-h] [-F] [-R] [-P] [-v]

    The location of the base call to XCTUcmd executable depends on your operating system:

    • Windows: <installation_directory>/XCTUcmd.exe
    • MacOS X: <installation_directory>/XCTU.app/Contents/MacOS/XCTUcmd
    • Linux: <installation_directory>/XCTUcmd

  1. If the command is executed successfully, the command line prompt returns an error code 0. A return code different than 0 is represented by the error ID. Enter the following command for a list of possible errors:
    XCTUcmd --errorlist

Note Legacy XCTU *.PRO profile files are not supported by this command. If you have a legacy *.pro file, you must first load the profile in the XCTU graphic application and save it in the new XPRO format.


Use the following options with the load_profile command:

-f <file> Required * Specify the profile file location path.
-p <port> Required Specify the serial port name to be used.
-b <baud_rate> Optional Specify serial connection baud rate to use. [Default 9600]
-e Optional Set parity to even for the serial connection. [Default NONE]
-o Optional Set parity to odd for the serial connection. [Default NONE]
-h Optional Set hardware flow control for the serial connection. [Default NONE]
-F Optional Force firmware update if profile firmware does not match with firmware of device.
-R Optional ** Force a device recovery if device cannot be discovered.
-P Optional ** Indicate that the device is a programmable radio. These radios have a baud rate of 115200 by default.
-v Optional Show details about the process being executed.
* File paths containing blank spaces must be quoted.
** These options may trigger an action request event where users will be asked to reset the device.


For additional guidance, see the following usage examples for the load_profile command:

Load profile ZB1_profile to the device connected to COM7 at 115200 bps, updating the firmware if required and displaying process details

XCTUcmd load_profile -f "C:\profiles\ZB1_profile.xpro"  -p COM7 -b 115200  -F -v

Load profile ZB2_profile to the programmable device connected to COM1 using parity even and displaying process details

XCTUcmd  load_profile  -f "C:\profiles\ZB2_profile.xpro"  -p COM1 -e -P -v

Load profile ZB3_profile to the device connected to COM4 and perform a device recovery if required

XCTUcmd  load_profile  -f "C:\profiles\ZB3_profile.xpro" -p COM4  -R