Interact with XBee file system

Follow these steps to interact with the file system of your XBee module. For more information, see File system manager tool.

  1. Launch the File System Mangager tool by selecting File System Manager from the Tools drop-down menu on the main toolbar. The File System Manager dialog appears.
  1. Click Open.
  2. If you did not add your XBee module to XCTU before, select its serial port configuration. Click OK to open the connection with the module.
  3. If the serial configuration is correct and your XBee module supports file system, the contents of the default path are listed in the remote file system view.

Operations with the file system

You can perform the following operations in the XBee file system:

Operation Description
Navigate Navigate through the different directories by double clicking on them. To go back, double click on the parent directory (..) or press the backspace key. You can also go directly to a specific path by typing it on the local/remote path text box and pressing enter.

Upload a file or directory to the XBee module. Drag-and-drop or right-click on a file or directory and then click Upload. If you want to upload several files or directories, select and drag them to the XBee file system view.

Upload a secure file Upload special files, such as certificates or keys, as write-only. Once the files are uploaded to the XBee, they cannot be downloaded, renamed or moved; only deleted. These secure files are displayed in the XBee file system with a lock and are grayed out.

Download a file or directory from the XBee module. Drag-and-drop or right-click a file or directory and then click Download. If you want to download several files or directories, select and drag them to the local file system view.

Create directory

Create a directory. Right-click on either the local or remote file system view and click Create directory. You are asked to enter the name of the new directory.


Delete any file or directory. Right-click a file or directory and click Delete. You are asked to confirm the operation.


Rename any file or directory. Right-click a file or directory and click Rename.

Get and compare hash

Get the SHA256 hash of any secure file that is on the XBee file system and compare it with the hash of a local file. Since secure files cannot be downloaded, this operation allows you to verify that the secure file is actually equal to other located on your computer. Right-click on a secure file and clickGet hash or Compare hash.


Re-format the entire XBee file system by clicking the Format button located in the toolbar.

Note This process erases all your files on the XBee module and cannot be undone.