Set network discovery preferences

You can configure network discovery parameters in the Network preferences panel.

  1. On the XCTU toolbar, click the Preferences button to open the Preferences dialog.
  2. On the left side of the Preferences dialog, select Network.

  3. Configure your preferred settings and click Apply.

    The first set of options are common to all networks:

    Always clear the Network view before startingClears Network view before each new network scan.
    Remove nodes if they were not discovered in the last performed scanRemoves any nodes not discovered in the last scan.
    Read remote nodes basic information after the network scanReads the following information from the remote nodes after each network scan: Node identifier, hardware version, firmware version, network address and device type.
    Stop after scanSets the number of scans to perform before stopping the discovery process. A value of '0' means the process will not stop automatically.
    Time between scansSets the duration of time XCTU waits before starting a new network scan. The value must be between 0 and 300 seconds.

    The remainder of the options are specific to 802.15.4, DigiMesh, and ZigBee network types:

    Discovery mode

    Sets the method used by the network discovery process.

    • Flood: The neighbor discovery process is performed for every node at the moment it is found. Several discovery processes may be running at the same time. This method may be faster, but it may also generate a lot of traffic and saturate the network.
    • Cascade: The neighbor discovery process is performed for every node as soon as the discovery process finishes. Only one discovery process runs at a time. This method may be slower, but it is likely to generate less traffic.
    Neighbor discovery timeout

    Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, the discovery process should spend finding neighbors of a module. Value must be between 5 and 1800 seconds (30 minutes).


    This timeout is highly dependent on the nature of the network. For DigiMesh, the value should be greater than the highest NT (Node Discover Timeout) and include enough time to let the message propagate, depending on the sleep cycle of your devices.

    Time between requests

    Sets the wait time between node neighbor requests. The value must be between 0 and 300 seconds (5 minutes).


    For the Cascade method, this is the number of seconds to wait after completion of the neighbor discovery process of the previous node.


    For the Flood method, this is the minimum time to wait between each radio module's neighbor requests.

Note The Cascade discovery method is recommended for large networks.