Transmit Status - 0x89

Request frames:


This frame type is emitted when a transmit request completes. The status field of this frame indicates whether the request succeeded or failed and the reason.

This frame is only emitted if the Frame ID in the request is non-zero.

Note This frame format is deprecated and should only be used by customers who require compatibility with legacy Digi RF products.

Note Broadcast transmissions are not acknowledged and always return a status of 0x00, even if the delivery failed.


The following table provides the contents of the frame. For details on frame structure, see API frame format.

Offset Size Frame Field Description
0 8-bit Start Delimiter Indicates the start of an API frame.
1 16-bit Length Number of bytes between the length and checksum.
3 8-bit Frame type

Transmit Status - 0x89

4 8-bit Frame ID Identifies the data frame for the host to correlate with a prior request.
5 8-bit Delivery status

Complete list of delivery statuses:

0x00 = Success

0x01 = No ACK received

0x02 = CCA failure

0x03 = Indirect message unrequested

0x04 = Transceiver was unable to complete the transmission

0x21 = Network ACK failure

0x22 = Not joined to network

0x2C = Invalid frame values (check the phone number)

0x31 = Internal error

0x32 = Resource error - lack of free buffers, timers, etc.

0x34 = No Secure Session Connection

0x35 = Encryption Failure

0x74 = Message too long

0x76 = Socket closed unexpectedly

0x78  = Invalid UDP port

0x79 = Invalid TCP port

0x7A = Invalid host address

0x7B = Invalid data mode

0x7C = Invalid interface. See User Data Relay Input - 0x2D.

0x7D = Interface not accepting frames. See User Data Relay Input - 0x2D.

0x7E = A modem update is in progress. Try again after the update is complete.

0x80 = Connection refused

0x81 = Socket connection lost

0x82 = No server

0x83 = Socket closed

0x84 = Unknown server

0x85 = Unknown error

0x86 = Invalid TLS configuration (missing file, and so forth)

0x87 = Socket not connected

0x88 = Socket not bound

Refer to the tables below for a filtered list of status codes that are appropriate for specific devices.

EOF 8-bit Checksum 0xFF minus the 8-bit sum of bytes from offset 3 to this byte (between length and checksum).

Delivery status codes

Protocol-specific status codes follow


This frame type is only used for indicating errors in sending a User Data Relay request

0x7C = Invalid interface. See User Data Relay Input - 0x2D.

0x7D = Interface not accepting frames. See User Data Relay Input - 0x2D.