Connect to the device with ADB using network interface

By default, the ConnectCore 6 device is configured to connect to the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) daemon using the USB interface. However, it can be changed in order to connect to ADB using a network interface (Wi-Fi or Ethernet). Follow these steps to change the interface used to communicate with the device's ADB daemon to network:

  1. Open a serial terminal with the device using this configuration 115200/8/N/1/N
  2. Execute the following commands:
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
  1. Open a system command shell and try to connect to the device over Ethernet executing this command:
adb connect <ipAddress>:5555

<ipAddress> is the IP of your ConnectCore 6 device.

Connect to the device with ADB over USB

If you have already performed a network connection and you want to connect back to ADB using the USB interface, follow these steps:

  1. Open a serial terminal with the device using this configuration 115200/8/N/1/N
  2. Execute the following commands:
setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1
stop adbd
start adbd
  1. Connect the USB device cable to the computer.

Note Rebooting the device will also configure ADB to use the USB interface by default.