Log in to the command line interface

  Command line

  1. Connect to the IX14 device by using a serial connection, SSH or telnet, or the Terminal in the WebUI or the Console in the Digi Remote Manager. See Access the command line interface for more information.
    • For serial connections, the default configuration is:
      • 115200 baud rate
      • 8 data bits
      • no parity
      • 1 stop bit
      • no flow control
    • For SSH and telnet connections, the default IP address of the device is on the WAN/ETH1 .
  2. At the login prompt, enter the username and password of a user with Admin access.

    Note If your device was manufactured prior to firmware version 19.11.x, the default user for logging into the device may be root, rather than admin.

    • The default user is root:
      • If the device is at a firmware level 19.8.x or older.
      • If the device has been upgraded from 19.8.x or older to 19.11.x or newer.
    • The default user is admin:
      • If the device is at 19.11.x or newer when manufactured.
      • If the device has been upgraded from 19.8.x or older to 19.11.x or newer and has been factory reset after the upgrade.

    login: admin
    Password: **********
  3. Depending on the device configuration, you may be presented with another menu, for example:
    Access selection menu:
    	a: Admin CLI
    	s: Shell
    	q: Quit
    Select access or quit [admin] :

    Type a or admin to access the IX14 command line.

You will now be connected to the Admin CLI:

Connecting now, 'exit' to disconnect from Admin CLI ...


See Command line interface for detailed instructions on using the command line interface