Follow these steps to update eMMC partitions of a closed device:

  1. Set up your computer.

    1. Download the latest Universal Update Utility (UUU), a software tool from NXP.

      UUU version should be 1.5.11 or higher.
    2. Place the uuu executable in a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/bin.

    3. Install udev rules to allow any user to run uuu to access the USB port:

      $ sudo sh -c "uuu -udev >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-uuu.rules"
      $ sudo udevadm control --reload
  2. Set up your closed device.

    1. Connect a micro USB cable to your development PC and the other end to the target USB recovery connector. See Step 2 - Set up the hardware for instructions.

    2. Change the boot mode configuration to boot from USB. To do so, set the boot mode micro-switches as follows:

      • S1.1: ON

      • S1.2: ON

      • S1.3: N/A

      • S1:4: N/A

    3. Reset the device by pressing the Reset button on the board.

  3. Update firmware with UUU.

    1. Copy all signed firmware images to the same directory.

      For example to dea-11.0-r2_signed-images inside your home, /home/<user>.

      The list of images to copy is:

      • u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk-signed.imx

      • u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk-trusty-signed.imx

      • partition-table.img

      • dtbo-imx8mm.img

      • boot.img

      • vendor_boot.img

      • vbmeta-imx8mm.img

      • super.img

    2. Program signed images in the device executing the script

      Find this script inside /usr/local/dea-11.0-r2/device/digi/common/tools.

      $ /usr/local/dea-11.0-r2/device/digi/common/tools/ tf-deploy \
        -u u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk-trusty-signed.imx \
        -lu u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk-signed.imx \
        -d ~/dea-11.0-r2_signed-images
  4. Boot from the internal eMMC.

    1. Change the boot mode configuration to boot from the internal eMMC. To do so, set the boot mode micro-switches as follows:

      • S1.1: OFF

      • S1.2: OFF

      • S1.3: OFF

      • S1:4: OFF

    2. Remove the micro USB cable from the target USB recovery connector.

    3. Reset the device by pressing the Reset button on the board.