To save design changes after a modification:

  1. Select the unsaved design.

  2. Click the Save icon in the main toolbar. This updates the *.xml file you designated for your design. (You can also go to File > Save design or use the shortcut Ctrl+S.)

Do not manipulate this *.xml file outside the Digi ConnectCore Smart IOmux application. You may lose all the information in your design.

Save as new design

You can save an existing design with another name or in another location using the Save design as option:

  1. Select a design.

  2. Click FileSave design as. The Save design as wizard appears.

  3. Type the new design name in the Design name text field.

  4. Enter the new path where you want to save the design in the Design location field. Click Browse to explore your file system.

  5. Click Finish to create a new design with the provided name and location. It includes the components in the active design.