What are Digi Remote Manager System Alerts?

Digi Remote Manager System Alerts are notifications that automatically trigger for specific processing conditions within the Remote Manager that a customer may want to be notified about. These alerts are automatically created as needed and reset when the condition is resolved.

The types of system alerts include:

  • System monitor alarms: Triggered by events such as a monitor disconnecting or when Remote Manager cannot send messages to a monitor.
  • System limits alarms: Triggered by events like reaching the device limit or exceeding the maximum size of a list of DataPoints.
  • System throttle alarms: Triggered when data is received at a rate that exceeds a threshold, such as sending too many web service requests in a given time period.
  • Device profile alarms: Triggered when a profile scan finds a device out of compliance with the profile.
  • Device health alarms: Triggered when a device reports a metric outside the bounds of the device health profile.

For more detailed information, you can visit the Digi documentation on system alerts.

Last updated: Sep 06, 2024

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Digi Remote Manager

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