Once your custom keys are created, follow the steps at Build your custom distribution.

This generates the following artifacts to be used later:

  • Inside out/target/product/ccimx8mmdvk:

    • u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk.imx: Bootloader image without Trusty.

    • trustfence-tools-ccimx8mmdvk.zip contains the required resources to sign the bootloader image without Trusty.

    • u-boot-ccimx8mmdvk-trusty.imx: Bootloader image with Trusty.

    • trustfence-tools-ccimx8mmdvk-trusty.zip contains the required resources to sign the bootloader image with Trusty.

  • Inside out/dist:

    • ccimx8mmdvk-target_files-<build_id>.zip contains all the target files (apk, binaries, libraries, etc.) that will go into the final release package.

You will use these files, along with your custom release keys, later on to get privately signed artifacts.