Your device must include several ConnectCore Cloud Services resources in the firmware so it can connect to Digi Remote Manager:

  1. A daemon application (cccsd) that connects to:

    1. Digi Remote Manager

    2. Custom applications to transfer data from/to Remote Manager

  2. CCCS-enabled applications that are able to upload data to Remote Manager and receive requests from Remote Manager via the daemon.

  3. An API for custom applications to communicate with the daemon.

Device CCCS diagram

1. CCCS daemon

Digi Embedded Yocto includes the cccsd application that connects your device to Digi Remote Manager. This application provides the following features:

  1. File configuration to set up the connection with Remote Manager.

  2. Route data from/to Remote Manager to/from custom applications.

  3. The mechanism to establish and keep the connection with Remote Manager.

  4. File system service to remotely access your device’s file system.

  5. System monitor service to determine the health of your devices.

  6. Firmware update service using update packages (*.swu).

  7. Remote command line interface service.

The source code of this application is located in cc_dey repository at GitHub.

1.1. CCCS configuration file

ConnectCore Cloud Services setup is provided in the configuration file cccs.conf. You can establish Remote Manager connection and reconnection settings, descriptive information configuration, enable or disable services, configure remotely accessible directories, or manage the parameters monitor and the frequency.

Review the full configuration cccs.conf settings here.

For more information on connection configuration, see Configure ConnectCore Cloud Services.

2. CCCS-enabled applications

The daemon already provides general Cloud Services features. Additionally, with your own CCCS-enabled application you can customize:

  1. Received data request you are going to listen to.

  2. Data you are going to update to Remote Manager.

To create your custom CCCS-enabled application go to ConnectCore Cloud Services device development.

Digi Embedded Yocto already provides, by default, some CCCS-enabled applications:

For more information on how to customize the CCCS-enabled applications available in your image, go to Include ConnectCore Cloud Services applications in Digi Embedded Yocto.

2.1. Get started with CCCS demo application

Digi Embedded Yocto images include, by default, the Get Started with ConnectCore Cloud Services demo application, cccs-gs-demo.

The demo uses the CCCS API to connect with the daemon and it is automatically launched on boot.

This application includes features such as:

  • Monitor USER_BUTTON status to upload status changes to Remote Manager as a data point.

  • Requests to get device information and configuration, play music, set audio volume, turn on/off USER_LED, etc.

All this support can be remotely exercised from the Get Started with ConnectCore Cloud Services demo web application.

The source code of this application is located in cc_dey repository at GitHub.

For more information on ConnectCore Cloud Services demo, see Get started.

2.2. CCCS examples

Digi Embedded Yocto images include, by default, the available CCCS-enabled example applications:

These applications use the CCCS API to connect with the daemon. You can manually execute them in your device but are not automatically launched.

The code of this application is located in dey-examples repository at GitHub.


ConnectCore Cloud Services include a rich API that you can use in your applications to communicate with Remote Manager, receive remote commands, and save data in the cloud. This is the API used by the Get started with CCCS demo application application, cccs-gs-demo, and the provided examples.