ConnectCore Cloud Services allow devices to store data in Remote Manager that can be fetched by other applications using web service APIs. See Send data to Remote Manager.

To retrieve uploaded data, you can use data streams web service APIs or use monitors web service APIs to monitor the activity and push notifications to client applications. See for more information.

ConnectCore Cloud Services demo application (cccs-gs-demo) uploads the status of USER_BUTTON when it changes.

To review this uploaded information, you can use:

See ConnectCore Cloud Services web services for more information on how to use web service APIs.

Data Sreams page

You can view the recording of data (in charts and in text format) from Remote Manager interface. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Remote Manager account (

  2. Get your device identifier.

    It follows the format 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX.

    1. Go to the Device Management > Devices tab.

    2. Copy the Device ID of your device from the table by using the Copy Device ID button that appears next to it when you hover over the item.

      If you have more than one device, you can filter using the MAC address of your device:

      1. Click on the filter text box and select MAC.

      2. Type the MAC address of your device and press Enter.

  3. Go to the Insights > Data Streams tab.

  4. Click on the Stream ID item of the stream in the table you want to analyze.

    It is similar to 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX/demo_monitor/user_button, where 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX is the device ID.

    If you have several streams on the list, you can filter using the stream identifier:

    1. Click on the filter text box and select Stream ID.

    2. Type the stream identifier, for example demo_monitor/user_button, and press Enter.

  5. On the right, select the format to represent the values (Tabular, Line Chart, Area Chart, etc.), for example, Tabular. A table with the values in the selected stream is displayed.

For extended Remote Manager web interface use and reference information, see the Digi Remote Manager User Guide.

API Explorer

You can use API Explorer to, for example, get historical data uploaded by your device:

  1. Log in to your Remote Manager account (

  2. Get your device identifier.

    It follows the format 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX.

    1. Go to the Device Management > Devices tab.

    2. Copy the Device ID of your device from the table by using the Copy Device ID button that appears next to it when you hover over the item.

      If you have more than one device, you can filter using the MAC address of your device:

      1. Click on the filter text box and select MAC.

      2. Type the MAC address of your device and press Enter.

  3. List demo_monitor/user_button uploaded data from API Explorer.

    1. Go to the System > API Explorer tab.

    2. Select GET in the combo next to the text field.

    3. Type the web service path, /ws/v1/streams/history/00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX/demo_monitor/user_button.

      Where 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX is the copied device id.

    4. Click Send.

      In the Response text box you can review the answer with the data uploaded to the cloud:

        "count": 2,
        "size": 1000,
        "list": [
            "id": "23ab032c-52dd-11ee-abc3-0a6c5efc4b7c",
            "stream_id": "00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX/demo_monitor/user_button",
            "value": "0",
            "timestamp": "2023-09-14T09:00:23.472Z",
            "server_timestamp": "2023-09-14T09:00:23.799Z",
            "quality": 0
            "id": "23c4578b-52dd-11ee-abc3-0a6c5efc4b7c",
            "stream_id": "00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX/demo_monitor/user_button",
            "value": "1",
            "timestamp": "2023-09-14T09:00:23.638Z",
            "server_timestamp": "2023-09-14T09:00:23.799Z",
            "quality": 0

      Where 00000000-00000000-00XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX is your device id.

You can use any third-party tool with Remote Manager web service APIs. See ConnectCore Cloud Services web services for more information.

python-devicecloud library

Python client library for Digi Remote Manager web service APIs, python-devicecloud, includes support to get uploaded data from your devices as well as the possibility of creating monitors to receive events for a variety of scenarios. This includes uploading data from devices, device state changes, and triggered alarms.

  • Stream APIs to get the list of data points of different data streams. See method get_data_points() in called in the Historical data page.

  • Monitors to be notified about different events. See methods register_datapoints_monitor() and register_device_monitor() in These monitors are in charge of the update of device status in the Dashboard page.

You can use your preferred programming language to get data from Remote Manager. See ConnectCore Cloud Services web services for more information.