The Get Started with ConnectCore Cloud Services demo provides a user-friendly interface to demonstrate the features available on the ConnectCore family of products. It allows you to both monitor and manage your device.
The demo application running on your device stores device data in the cloud and listens for incoming requests to allow you to remotely monitor and control your device. The demo includes a remote management web application that uses Digi Remote Manager web service APIs.
The following diagram summarizes the ConnectCore Cloud Services demo with all components as well as the connections between them.

Remote application
The remote ConnectCore Cloud Services demo application consists of:
The Get Started with CCCS demo application,
, running on your device. It collects local data and periodically uploads to Remote Manager, and listens for requests coming from Remote Manager to perform the corresponding operation. -
Web application using the Digi Remote Manager public API to interact with the device.
It uses the Remote Manager public API to interact with the device and can run on:
Local personal computer for evaluation/development purposes.
Remote hosts such as AWS to make it accessible from anywhere.
For more information on ConnectCore Cloud Services, see ConnectCore Cloud Services overview. |

The web application runs on an external server or PC. It uses Remote Manager APIs to gather data from Remote Manager and communicate with the device, allowing you to:
Monitor device status.
Get historical data from the device stored in the cloud.
Remotely control some device interfaces.
Remotely access a shell console.
Remotely access the device file system:
List files
Upload files
Download files
Remove files
Perform remote management operations such as:
Firmware update
Next steps
See Get started for information on how starting the ConnectCore Cloud Services demo.