ConnectCore 7U (unc20) or Digi Connect ME running LxNETES-2.3 uClinux 2.4.22 might show wrong daylight saving time.

If you use timezone settings with LxNETES-2.3 uClinux 2.4.22 ConnectCore 7U (unc20) or Digi Connect ME you might observe that daylight saving time is switched on a wrong day at least in 2012 (maybe also in other years).

This is probably related to a busybox bug:
diff --git a/libc/misc/time/time.c b/libc/misc/time/time.c
index 19d68e1..8e2ebf1 100644
--- a/libc/misc/time/time.c
+++ b/libc/misc/time/time.c
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ static int tm_isdst(register const struct tm *__restrict ptm,
monlen = 31 + day_cor[r->month -1] - day_cor[r->month];
- if (isleap && (r->month > 1)) {
+ if (isleap && (r->month == 2)) {
/* Wweekday (0 is Sunday) of 1st of the month

and you might be able to fix this, by modifying uClib-0.9.19w as provided by Digi.
You will find all the sources for uClib-0.9.19w and Digi patches as well as toolchain
on the LxNETES-2.3 CD FS-999.

As this software is out of support and maintenance by Digi since 2009, you are on your own to fix this.
Last updated: Jun 12, 2019

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