September 22, 2016

On a daily basis hospital staff members are outnumbered by patients, which results in heavy workloads and delayed tasks. This has become an agonizing issue when it involves delivering oral pain medication to a patient that is suffering, because as we all know, a minute in pain actually feels like 10 minutes. Even under optimal conditions it can take an average of 10 plus minutes after pressing the call button for a patient to receive painkilling medication.

This is what inspired Avancen to create the worlds first wireless, patient controlled analgesia (PCA) device called Medication on Demand (MOD®). The MOD® is equipped with the Digi RCM6600W system-on-module (SOM) for built-in intelligence, programmability and WiFi connectivity. This FDA approved device is used in hospitals and clinics saving time and making patients more comfortable in hospitals and clinics across the country.