New Digi International Headquarters Officially Opens with Employee Event and Ribbon Cutting

In January, 2019, Digi International headquarters moved from its long-time location on Bren Road in Minnetonka, MN to the beautiful and modern Excelsior Crossings in Hopkins, MN, occupying two newly-remodeled floors of the 700 building. As we shared in our announcement blog post, there was still more to do before all the hammers and hard hats could be put away for good.

Much has transpired since January, including:

  • The opening of our new kitchen and lounge space, where employees can gather for beverages, social time, and play a game of ping pong or pool.
  • The installation of the Digi corporate sign, facing Highway 169. It is most visible as you drive north between I-494 in Bloomington and Highway 7 in St. Louis Park.
  • The opening of our beautiful central atrium and working area, and the stairway connecting the two floors our teams occupy at Excelsior Crossings.
  • Best of all, we celebrated these exciting updates with an opening ceremony in which Ron Konezny, Digi CEO, officially cut the ribbon to open the new space, and headquarters employees celebrated to music and refreshments.

We hope you enjoy this photo tour of our new space, the installation of the new Digi sign, and our grand opening event.

New Kitchen and Employee Lounge

Although the headquarters move occurred before construction was complete in all areas, which made for some early challenges, it was thrilling as each of these spaces were completed and opened for use. This was particularly true of the new kitchen and lounge.

Digi Headquarters Kitchen

Digi Headquarters Kitchen

Digi Employee Lounge

Digi Employee Lounge

Digi Employee Lounge

Digi Employee Lounge

Installation of the Digi Sign

On April 4th, 2019, if you were up with the birds and driving north on Highway 169 in Hopkins, you may have had the opportunity to see this exciting Digi milestone in progress.

Digi Sign Installation

Digi Sign Installation

Digi Sign Installation

Digi Sign Installation

The sign has a lovely glow after hours.

Completion of the Atrium and Work Collaboration Space

The first image that follows is the atrium and collaboration space under construction. The subsequent images of the completed project call to mind the old expression, "Youve come a long way, baby!"

Atrium Construction

Digi Atrium Area

Atrium Area

Headquarters Grand Opening: Ribbon Cutting and Celebration

Final construction and inspections had to be completed before employees were allowed to use the stairway connecting the two floors Digi occupies at the Hopkins headquarters, or enter the atrium. At last, the new space was pronounced ready for occupancy by the inspection team. It was time to celebrate!

Digi CEO Ron Konezny delivered a short welcome and thanked Digi employees for their contributions to the company vision and growth, and everything that has transpired to bring our company to this exciting moment. Then he cut the ribbon, and the employees walked down the new stairway that connects the 6th and 7th floors to enjoy refreshments and entertainment.

Ribbon Cutting Montage

Whats Next

Digi will host a second Grand Opening event at the 2019 Digi Global IoT Conference, held annually for customers and partners, in June, 2019. The event will launch with a headquarters tour and opening reception. The company will then host a full day of keynote speakers, demos and new product introductions, followed by a gala dinner, customer awards and live entertainment.

Customers and partners who would like to register for the upcoming Digi Global IoT Conference should contact the event organizers at