Digi International is a global company whose growth and success, today and in the future is dependent on our ability to export. Compliance with U.S. and global export control laws and regulations which govern the export of tangible products and the transfer/export of intangible products (e.g. software, technology, know-how) is the unequivocal policy of Digi and is the responsibility of all Digi employees.
All Digi employees must prevent transactions with persons and organizations involved in and with embargoed countries, and with persons and companies denied export privileges. Failure to comply with U.S. and global export laws may result in personal and corporate criminal or civil penalties and prevent Digi from shipping internationally.
Any questionable transaction should be placed on hold immediately. Questions regarding the legitimacy of a transaction should be referred to Digi.Export.Escalation@digi.com for immediate attention.

Ron Konezny
President and Chief Executive Officer
Digi International Inc.