Installation instructions for AccelePort RAS and AccelePort Xp Source RPM Driver in Red Hat.
Confirm your system has the necessary package dependencies to install the driver:
Dependency listing
Download the latest source rpm driver from our web site.
# cd /path_where_driver_image_is_located
Capture the driver compilation/installation:
# script
For Red Hat distributions you will need to use the --define option to specify the distribution flag, the following example shows the installation syntax for Red Hat AS 2.1:
# rpm --rebuild --define DISTRO=REDHAT_AS_21 40002059_X.src.rpm
Where "X" represents the actual driver revision letter.
Other valid Red Hat DISTRO flags:
Red Hat 7.2 - REDHAT_72
Red Hat 7.3 - REDHAT_73
Red Hat 8 - REDHAT_8
Red Hat 9 - REDHAT_9
Red Hat Fedora - FEDORA
Red Hat AS 2.1 - REDHAT_AS_21
Red Hat AS 3 - REDHAT_AS_3
Red Hat ES 3 - REDHAT_ES_3
Red Hat WS - REDHAT_WS_3
Change to the directory where the rpm image was built and use rpm to install the new driver package.
For x86 platforms:
# cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
For 64 bit platforms:
# cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64
# rpm -ivv dgdm-(VER).(ARCH).rpm
Where "VER" represents the actual driver version numbers and "ARCH" represents the system architecture (i.e.: i386, x86_64).
Load the module by typing:
# /etc/init.d/dgdm start
Set up your machine to have the drivers load automatically at boot time by typing:
# chkconfig --add dgdm
Completing the installation, press:
# exit
If any errors occur during this installation, the typescript file can be used for further analysis.
**Important note: These are currently obsolete products. The last kernel version supported/tested with the driver is 2.6.25.