Issue: Disconnecting from an AnywhereUSB then attempting to re-connect to the AnywhereUSB causes the following error on the RealPort USB Host Controller components in the USB section of Windows Device Manager:
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory. (Code 38)
Cause: This failure is most likely caused by intrusive third-party software, e.g. VMware vSphere and VMware Workstation.
Resolution: This issue has been fixed via a registry variable work-around added to the v3.90.213 AnywhereUSB driver.
NOTE: This work-around is disabled by default. To perform the work-around, you must be running the v3.90.213 AnywhereUSB driver AND you must modify the registry per the instructions below.
1. Uninstall the existing AnywhereUSB driver then Reboot the host computer.
2. Install the v3.90.213 AnywhereUSB driver.
3. Connect to the AnywhereUSB, confirm that the driver installed successfully (see KB How to confirm if an AnywhereUSB is connected and installed properly if needed), then Disconnect from the AnywhereUSB. This step is required for the AwVusbd and IonHub keys to be created (see step 4).
4. Using the Windows Registry Editor, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\] and look for the "AwVusbd" and "IonHub" keys. They may or may not exist. If they do not exist, please proceed to the TROUBLESHOOTING section below.
Create a new DWORD registry variable named "DoNotUnload" under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\AwVusbd]
and [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\IonHub], and set them both to "1". Please refer to the screenshots further below for clarification.
5. Reboot the host computer (again).
6. Connect to the AnywhereUSB and confirm that the Code 38 issue doesn't occur any more.
TROUBLESHOOTING: If you run into an issue along the way where the "AwVusbd" and "IonHub" keys (in step 4) do not exist, and/or you now see yellow (!) warning icons on RealPort USB components in Windows Device Manager (“Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged (Code 19)”), there is an easy fix!
- Double click each RealPort USB component that is in alarm, click the Driver Tab, select “Update driver”.
- Browse to "C:\Program Files\Digi\AnywhereUSB".
- Select Open.
- The driver should install.
- Repeat for any other RealPort USB components in alarm.
- Proceed to step 4.
Creating the new DWORD entry under AwVusbd:

The value of "DoNotUnload" should be "1":


Repeat for IonHub:

Last updated:
Jan 03, 2024