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How do I connect two LANs together using the Portserver II with a dedicated or direct connection using PPP?

NOTE: PortServer II does not support synchronous PPP.

[UNIX]-[LAN]-[PS II]----[PS II]-[LAN]-[UNIX]

PortServer II setup:

  • On enter the following commands logged in as "root" on your PortServer II:
    Configure Port(s):
    #> set port range=8 dev=mio 
    #> set flow range=8 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on 
    Enable routing (using static routes):
    #> set forward state=passive 
    Configure user for network interface:
    #> set user name=fuzz NetService=on DefaultAccess=NetService PPPAuth=none
    #> set user name=fuzz IpAddr= protocol=PPP IPMask=
    Note: The default password is the username, use newpass to change password
  • On enter the following commands logged in as "root" on your PortServer II:
    Configure Port(s):
    #> set port range=8 dev=mout 
    #> set flow range=8 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on 
    Configure ppp device:
    #> set device name=netdev ports=8
    Enable routing (using static routes):
    #> set forward state=passive 
    Configure user for network interface:
    #> set user name=hoss NetService=on DefaultAccess=NetService PPPAuth=none
    #> set user name=hoss IpAddr= Protocol=PPP IPMask=
    #> set user name=hoss LoginScript=loginscript p1=fuzz p2=fuzz
    #> set user name=hoss Device=netdev Dialout=on

Note: The default password is the username, use newpass to change password

Unix setup (SVR4):

On the two Unix systems show in the diagram above, we need to tell them to pass their IP traffic destined for the other side of the link through the Digi PortServer II PPP connection. We do this by adding a static route in the routing table on the Unix systems.


  • On the Unix System with the IP address of
    # route add net 2 
  • The Unix System with the IP Address of
    # route add net 2

You should now be able to ping the the Unix systems or any other device attached to the networks on both sides of the LAN through the dedicated or direct PPP link on the PortServer II.


Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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