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How to collect an Edgeport driver trace

An Edgeport driver trace is a proprietary Digi Edgeport log file.  In certain cases, Digi tech support may ask the end user to collect an "Edgeport driver trace" for troubleshooting purposes, to then escalate to Digi engineering for analysis.

  1. Download this file and extract the contents to a new folder named "c:\eptracelog", on the Windows-based computer that the Edgeport in question is attached to.
  2. ?Open an elevated command prompt (i.e. right-click / Run as Administrator) and navigate to the c:\eptracelog folder.
  3. To start logging, issue the following command:  wpp start
  4. Wait until the issue happens, or do whatever's necessary to reproduce the issue, then stop logging by issuing the following command:  wpp stop

A new file with an ".etl" file extension should be created in the c:\tracelog folder.

Note:  Older Edgeport drivers may not support this method.

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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