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HOW TO: Configure a Modem Using the Old FAS (Non-RealPort) EtherLite Driver in AIX


Use this procedure to configure a device for a Dial-in/Dial-out modem connection. Configuring a device for a modem requires familiarity with both the operating system and the modem being used. While the following procedure is sufficient for most cases, it may be necessary to take additional steps to properly configure your modem or to set up the operating system for a specific application.


  1. At an AIX root prompt, enter this command:

    smit els

  2. Choose TTY.
  3. Choose Add TTY.
  4. Choose an appropriate .sts entry.
  5. Choose an EtherLite or SCSI Terminal unit.
  6. Choose a port.
  7. Set Enable LOGIN to share.
  8. Set BAUD rate to the modem''''s highest configurable baud rate.
  9. Set PARITY, BITS per character, and number of STOP BITS to match the settings of the modem.
  10. Set FLOW CONTROL to be used to match the flow control used by the modem.
  11. Exit smit.
Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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