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HOW TO: Configure a Terminal in HP UNIX


Configuring a Device for a Terminal

Use this procedure to configure a RealPort device for a terminal. See your operating system documentation for more information on configuring a serial device for a terminal.


  1. In HP-UX, TTY devices require the carrier detect high. This must either be tied high within the cable or it can be forced high in the driver or Terminal Server.
  2. Connect a proper cable between the port and terminal.
  3. Enable the port by editing the /etc/inittab file. Locate the proper tty device to enable and change the word off to respawn. This line shows an example of a inittab entry for the first port with a designation letter of "a"

    Xx01:23:off:/etc/getty ttya12 H

  4. Change the letter or number at the end of the entry as needed.  The last number or letter (H in the previous example) is an entry in the /etc/gettydefs file. This sets the speed, data bits, stop bit(s) and parity for the port. Consult your operating system documentation for more information on /etc/gettydefs.
  5. Enter the following command at a root prompt:

    init q

Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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