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HOW TO: Configure a Terminal When Using RealPort In AIX


Use this procedure to configure a RealPort device for a terminal. See your operating system documentation for more information on configuring a serial device for a terminal.

This procedure assumes that a TTY has  been created for the terminal. See Creating and Configuring TTYs


  1. Connect a proper cable between the port and terminal. See the appropriate cable guide (listed in the table of contents) for more information.
  2. At an AIX root prompt, enter this command:

    smit tty

  3. Choose Change/Show Characteristics of a TTY.
  4. Select a TTY device. Here''''s an example of a listed device:

    tty7 Available 00-00-04-02 Asynchronous Terminal

    In this example, the first 00 is the bus number. This is unused and will always be 00. The second 00 is the slot number. This is unused and will always be 00. The number 04 is the sa device number. The number 02 is the port number.

  5. Set Enable LOGIN to enable.
  6. Set BAUD rate to match the terminal''''s baud rate.
  7. Set PARITY, BITS per character, and Number of STOP BITS to match the terminal''''s settings.
  8. Set TERMINAL type to match the type of terminal on the port. This is important if you will be using transparent printing on the auxiliary port of the terminal.
  9. Set FLOW CONTROL to match the flow control used by the terminal
  10. If DCD is not physically wired high in your cable, set Force Carrier to enable.
Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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