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HOW TO: Determine Firmware Version Level on EtherLite Products

There are several ways to determine the firmware version of an EtherLite.

If you are running a Windows operating system:

  • Use the verlog utility to determine the firmware version. Verlog can be found in the Support Tools section of the Technical Support site at the URL below. Look for "Rlogin Client for Windows" at this link:

If you are running a UNIX or Linux operating system:

  • Use rlogin and run the "ver" command on the Etherlite.
In Linux, you will need to specifiy the path for the standard rloigin binary:
/usr/bin/rlogin (IP)

From any Operating System:

The Etherlite firmware version is listed from the built-in Boot Console prompt:
--EL-16 V1.7--

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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