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HOW TO: Install the original "epca" AccelePort Xr, Xe, Xem, C/X, and EPC/X Source RPM Driver in RedHat

Instructions for installing the Legacy AccelePort epca driver with RedHat Linux

  1. Prepare for installation logging:


  2. Determine if the kernel source is installed for your running kernel:

    uname -r

    This shows the currently running kernel version.

    rpm -aq | grep kernel-source

    The versions displayed after the kernel-source package must match the "uname -r" version exactly. If not, please install the matching kernel source from your installation media or from a download source.

    rpm -ivh kernel-source[version]

    Create a symbolic link from your kernel source to /usr/src/linux by typing:

    ln -s /usr/src/linux-[version]  /usr/src/linux

  3. Copy the file 40001450_T.src.rpm from our web or ftp site in binary mode to your Linux box.
  4. Change directory to where the driver file is located and rebuild the driver. The following example shows the installation syntax for Red Hat 7.3:

    rpmbuild --rebuild --define DISTRO=REDHAT_73 40001450_T.src.rpm

    Other valid Red Hat DISTRO flags:

    Red Hat 7.2 - REDHAT_72
    Red Hat 7.3 - REDHAT_73
    Red Hat 8 - REDHAT_8
    Red Hat 9 - REDHAT_9
    Red Hat Fedora - FEDORA
    Red Hat ES 2.1 - REDHAT_AS_21
    Red Hat AS 2.1 - REDHAT_AS_21
    Red Hat AS 3 - REDHAT_AS_3, REDHAT_ES_3
    Red Hat WS - REDHAT_WS_3

  5. Change to directory /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and use rpm to install the new driver package by typing:

    cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386

    rpm -ivv epca-1.57-1.i386.rpm

  6. Configure the adapter, number of concentrators and ports by running the digiConf program. The program will prompt for information such as number of boards, board type, etc. Type:


    Answer the various prompts accordingly.

  7. Remove the old built-in epca module. This module will conflict on 2.4.x kernels:
    rm /lib/modules/`uname-r`/kernel/drivers/char/epca.o
  8. Start the service and load the module by typing:

    /etc/init.d/epca start

  9. Set up your machine to have the drivers load automatically at boot time by typing:

    chkconfig --add epca

  10. Completing the installation, press:

    [Ctrl] d

    If any errors occur during this installation, please send the typescript file to us for analysis after registering with Digi Technical Support for Online Support.

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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