- Prepare for installation logging:
- Determine if the kernel source is installed for your running kernel:
uname -r
This shows the currently running kernel version.
rpm -aq | grep kernel-source
The versions displayed after the kernel-source package must match the "uname -r" version exactly. If not, please install the matching kernel source from your installation media or from a download source.
rpm -ivh kernel-source[version]
Create a symbolic link from your kernel source to /usr/src/linux by typing:
ln -s /usr/src/linux-[version] /usr/src/linux
- Copy the file 40001450_T.src.rpm from our web or ftp site in binary mode to your Linux box.
- Change directory to where the driver file is located and rebuild the driver. The following example shows the installation syntax for Red Hat 7.3:
rpmbuild --rebuild --define DISTRO=REDHAT_73 40001450_T.src.rpm
Other valid Red Hat DISTRO flags:
Red Hat 7.2 - REDHAT_72
Red Hat 7.3 - REDHAT_73
Red Hat 8 - REDHAT_8
Red Hat 9 - REDHAT_9
Red Hat Fedora - FEDORA
Red Hat ES 2.1 - REDHAT_AS_21
Red Hat AS 2.1 - REDHAT_AS_21
Red Hat WS - REDHAT_WS_3
- Change to directory /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and use rpm to install the new driver package by typing:
cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
rpm -ivv epca-1.57-1.i386.rpm
- Configure the adapter, number of concentrators and ports by running the digiConf program. The program will prompt for information such as number of boards, board type, etc. Type:
Answer the various prompts accordingly.
- Remove the old built-in epca module. This module will conflict on 2.4.x kernels:
rm /lib/modules/`uname-r`/kernel/drivers/char/epca.o
- Start the service and load the module by typing:
/etc/init.d/epca start
- Set up your machine to have the drivers load automatically at boot time by typing:
chkconfig --add epca
- Completing the installation, press:
[Ctrl] d
If any errors occur during this installation, please send the typescript file to us for analysis after registering with Digi Technical Support for Online Support.