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HOW TO: Install the original EtherLite and SCSI Terminal Server FAS (legacy) driver in UNIX

EtherLite and SCSI Terminal Server FAS Driver Installation Guide for UNIX

Note:  This is a legacy driver, and is no longer supported.

EtherLite Networking Considerations

As with all Ethernet devices which run the Internet Protocol (IP), you need to assign an IP address to the Etherlite.

There are three methods which we recommend:

1. Storeip32.exe statically(permanently) assign an IP address from any Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME system on the network using storeip. This can be downloaded here

2. Using cdipserv (provided with most UNIX drivers). From the root prompt type:

# cdipserv -r -store 00-A0-E7-XX-XX-XX

NOTE: Replace 00-A0-E7-XX-XX-XX with the actual hardware address provided on the sticker from the unit.

3. Boot Console statically assigns the IP address, subnet mask and gateway information.  See the following article for more information about the Etherlite Boot Console:


Installing the Driver

After downloading the driver from our web site, create the following directory anywhere on your system, although the default location selected by the installation script will be /usr/sts or /var/sts.

The other directory referenced in this procedure is the base directory, which is where installation and removal scripts, documentation files, and source files will be placed. The following table lists default base directories for each platform according to the product family. On most platforms you may change the base directory when prompted during installation, but we recommend that it not be changed.

Operating System


AIX 4.x


Compaq Tru64




Solaris 2.x


SCO OpenServer



Preparing the installation directory

Example commands for this are:

$  su -

#  mkdir /usr/sts

#  cd /usr/sts

Copy the driver from the download directory into the installation directory.

# cp (filename).sis /usr/sts

# chmod 777 (filename).sis

Extract and install the driver and support files from the .sis file

The EtherLite and SCSI product drivers are distributed as .sis (self-installing shell archive) files. Such a .sis file should now be in your installation directory. This file is a Bourne-shell script containing a driver distribution which you should extract and install by issuing the following command:

# sh (filename).sis

Before files are extracted from the .sis file, you will be asked to agree to our software license agreement. If you are unfamiliar with the agreement, you may ask to have it displayed.

The installation process will start by verifying that you are installing the driver on a valid system, and that you have all of the rights and disk space needed to do the installation. You will also be allowed to modify the default directories into which files will be moved during the installation.

During installation, you will receive instructions on how to select SCSI ID numbers for any SCSI-based units you will be installing. You will need these numbers during the hardware installation process. Also during installation, you will be able to configure the system for any EtherLite units you will be installing. You may be prompted for the hardware (MAC) address and an IP address you would like to assign the EtherLite.

NOTE: If installing in AIX be sure uucp is installed from your AIX media since the installation requires uudecode.

Depending on your platform, a new operating system kernel may need to be built during the installation. If so, a backup of your old kernel will be retained. Its filename will have an extension of .pre_sts for SCSI and EtherLite drivers.  You will be able to boot using the backup kernel if the new kernel fails.

After software installation is completed, you will be given the option to shut down your system to install the hardware if needed.

After reboot, the system will recognize all correctly attached EtherLite and/or SCSI terminal server units.

Second Phase Installation if Installing in Solaris or HP-UX

If you are installing products under Solaris or HP-UX.  Following the system reboot, you should login as root, and change to the installation directory and execute the following command:

#  ./Install

Afterwards, all files will be deleted from the installation directory.

As with built-in ports, additional system-administration tools may need to be used to configure individual ports for use with terminals, modems, and printers.

Additional Second Phase Installation step (AIX-only)

After running the installation script, configure your EtherLite/SCSI units in smit dev. After the EtherLite/SCSI Servers have been added, type the following command from the AIX root prompt to initialize the devices:



Removing the Driver

1. Disable any active processes on the ports (see NOTE).

2. Change to the base directory (see "Installing the Driver" in the previous section), and execute ./Remove to remove all device nodes and driver files, and to modify system configuration files to reflect their removal. Some systems will require a reboot in order for the changes to take effect; the Remove script will ask if you want to reboot after it completes its work.

NOTE: If you are permanently removing an EtherLite or SCSI unit (i.e., not just removing the driver prior to installing an update), some additional system administration may be needed. For example, all references to the device nodes should be removed from any communication program configuration files, as well as from system files such as ttytab or inittab. Some systems may have utilities like pmadm, sacadm, admintool (Solaris 2), smit (AIX), or sam (HP-UX) to assist in such administration.


Useful Utility Programs

A number of utility programs, described briefly below, were provided with the legacy FAS driver. Like the driver itself, none of these utilities are supported anymore (though they did work at the time).

Complete information about the utilities can be attained using the man command, followed by the program name (e.g. man cdstty). Note that not all utilities listed are provided with every driver.

cdipserv is a utility which allows you to erase an IP address, store an IP address and upgrade firmware.

cdelsreset is a utility which remotely resets an EtherLite unit.

cdflush is a utility which will flush out stuck lines.

cdmknods is a utility which simplifies the generation of device nodes for products. Its man page provides details on port-naming conventions for your platform.

cdstty is much like the standard Unix stty command, but provides control over extended features such as high baud rates, open and close timers, error-reporting levels, and so forth.

cdscanbus is a utility to list all devices which are currently on the system SCSI bus(es).

cdupdate is a utility which allows the update of firmware on units equipped with FLASH memory.

dinc is a simple terminal-emulation program which directly supports extended features.

Note: AIX users will, in general, use these utilities via smit rather than directly from the command line.)

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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