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Installing a PC/X adapter in Windows NT


I can not find Windows NT drivers for my PC/X adapter.



  • Digi does not provide Windows NT drivers for the PC/X adapters.



  • Digi provides installation information below for customers wishing to use the PC/X product in a Windows NT environment. Following the instructions will allow the Microsoft serial drivers to recognize the serial ports of the PC/X. There is no technical support available for this configuration. NOTE: Do not add the ports in ControlPanel, Ports.




        1. From the Control Panel, select Add New Hardware.

        2. Press Next, and when asked if you want Windows to detect your 
           new hardware, select No and press Next.

        3. From the Hardware Types window, select Ports (COM & LPT). Press 

        4. Select (Standard port types) and Communications Port, press 

        5. Follow through the remainder of the Add New Hardware Wizard and 
           when asked to reboot, select no until all ports have been added,
           and the port configuration has been corectly modified.

        6. For each new port, rerun the Add New Hardware wizard, adding 
           the next port, and repeat steps 1-6 until all of the Digi''''s ports 
           are added.   

Once all of the boards ports have been added, continue on with the 
following steps.

        7. From the Control Panel, select the System icon.

        8. Select the Device Manager tab and expand the Ports (COM & LPT)

        9. Double click the first new Communications Port you added and
           select the Resources tab.

       10. In the Setting based on: window, select Basic configuration 8.

       11. From within the Resource settings window, double click on the 
           Input/Output Range, scroll thru the provided Values and select
           the range which starts with the address you selectd for that 

       12. Double Click on the Interrupt setting and select the IRQ you
           have selected on the card.

When all of the newly installed ports have been edited for the correct 
I/O and IRQ settings, the system needs to be rebooted.

Once rebooted, the ports should be up and running , ready for your


NOTE: As far as the DS1 switch on the PC/4 and PC/8, this configuration
      does not use it, so all switches can be turned off.
Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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