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Transport as cellular modem

How to access a Transport Router as a Cellular Modem

A Transport router does not allow direct access to the cellular module under normal operation.
To achieve this you need to stop the TransPort router from accessing the serial ports of the cellular module.
This is carried out by telling the TransPort router there is no module for it to manage.
From the command line we can find the ASY or Serial port the cellular module is using:

We need to know the value of the ASY_ADD parameter (for example “5”) as we need this later in order to access the module.
To stop the router from talking to the cellular module, issue these commands:

Save the configuration:

To set DCD on the serial port of the cellular module, we need to use these commands:

AT\PORT=X  (X being the number we found earlier, for example “5”)
AT&C0       (This sets DCD to ON)
AT&W        (This saves the serial data in SREGS.DAT)
To access the module, we now have several methods:

  1. From the command line we can access the port with AT\PORT=X. Then we can now use AT commands to access the module directly.
  2. Telnet from another device to the port 400X, for example “telnet 400X”.

This should again give you access to the AT command interface of the module.

  1. Using REALPORT allows a host computer to talk to the router’s serial ports, via a TCP/IP link, as if they were physically attached to the computer.
  2. Virtual serial port :- there are a number of products that can give a host a virtual serial port and connect over the network to the Transport router’s serial interface on port 400X.

Options 3 or 4 would allow applications on the host to access the cellular router as a local serial port.

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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