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ConfigTool User Guide

Navigating to the ConfigTool 

Navigating to the configuration page requires the user to select the IEC dropdown within Configuration on the left-hand navigation menu.  

 Figure 1 

The configuration tool page enables you to view each device and the current values for Device ID, Description, Last Seen, Template, and Action.  

 Figure 2 

Add a New Device Rule Template 

  1. Navigate to the ConfigTool page (see Navigating to the Device Configuration Tool). 

  1. Find your device and click on the current template assigned ( a device without an installed configuration template will show Uninstalled). 

 Figure 3 

  1. Click on New Template 


Figure 4 

  1. Update your values for Config, Edge Rules, and Remote Commands (See Device Configuration Template for explanation of template rules) 

 Figure 5 

  1. Click on Save As Template 

 Figure 6 

Update Device Rules using ConfigTool 

Update Template 

  1. Navigate to the ConfigTool page (see Navigating to the Device Configuration Tool). 

  1. Find your device and click on the current template. 

 Figure 7 

  1. From the Template dropdown choose the name of the template you wish to add to the device (For a new template see Add New Device Rule Template).


Figure 8 

  1. From the Version dropdown choose the template version you will be updating your device with, 


Figure 9 

  1. Click on update 


Figure 10 

  1. You will now see your device template updated on the ConfigTool page  

Sync Template Rules to Device 

  1. Return to the ConfigTool page (see Navigating to the Device Configuration Tool) 

  1. Find your device and click on the Sync action 

 Figure 11 

Sync using USB serial port connection 

  1. While keeping the tab on USB you can sync all the rules using serial port at once. Begin the process by clicking the Open Connection button which will request the browser serial port permissions. 

  2.  You will be prompted by the browser to connect to a serial port. Connect your USB Serial Port device. 

  1. Once connected you will see only the following screen. Physically disconnect and re-connect the device to begin the syncing process. 


  1. Once the syncing process started you will see the following prompts. You can choose to cancel within the middle of the process by clicking the Close Connection. (Closing the connection should only be done in emergencies as this could cause unpredictable behavior) 


  1. Once the syncing process is finished the prompt will vanish and you will see each individual rule as successfully synced and successfully stored in the cloud. 

Sync over-the-air  

  1. You can sync the device rules all at once using the Sync All button or individually Sync each rule. If the syncing individually ensure that your global configuration and IO configuration rules are synced first 

 Figure 12 

  1. A new progress bar will show up at the bottom of the navigation bar showing syncing in progress. 


The number of rules that are currently in the queue for sync 


The number of rules which are currently being synced 


The number of rules that are attempting to sync after one unsuccessful attempt 


After three attempts the sync will be considered failed 


The number of rules that have been successfully transmitted and confirmed as a successful sync from the device 



                                           Figure 13 

  1. Once all your rules are transmitted your device is synced with the configuration template stored in the cloud. 

Device Configuration Template Config 

X-ON currently supports the following 3 configurations. System Config, IO Config, and Module Config. Figure [14-16] 

System Config 

 Figure 14 

System Mode 

The option is given to enable or disable system mode. 

Startup Trigger Report Delay 

Set a time delay for the device in sending uplink transmissions due to a report triggering event. Also, the time delay after bootup device 

Network Class 

Choose between class A and class C network behaviors. Within class A each uplink transmission is initiated by the end device and allows for a small window for downlink transmission. Class A’s main advantage is the low power consumption. Class C keeps the receiver of transmissions open for communication between the end device to network server and the network server to end device. This allows for low latency but requires constant power for the receiver. 


IO Config 

 Figure 15 

Baud Rate 

The Modbus RTU Serial Baud Rate. 

Serial Config 

Choose the serial port number from the available options. 

8 - number of data bits 
N - parity mode 
1 - number of stop bits 


Comm Timeout 

Amount of time device will wait for a response from a Modbus slave device. 

Max Poll Rate 

Maximum rate at which the IEC will poll a Modbus slave device 

Relay 1 and Relay 2 

Relay mode (i.e. on/off) 

DC Out Mode 

Enables/disables 24 VDC out to power external sensors 

4-20 mA Sampling Resistor 

Choose between Hexadecimal or Decimal. This will be measured in ohm X 10. 


Module Config 

 Figure 16 

Tilt and Shock Sensor 

The tilt and shock sensor in the IEC device can be enabled for monitoring tilt and shock data. 


Edge Rules 

Edge rules allow for customization of sensor communication behavior. These rules determine how the IEC device communicates to the X-ON cloud. Click on the rules that will apply to your device 

 Configures the monitoring and reporting for supported protocols and sensors. 

Modbus Rules

 Figure 17 


Choose a name for your edge rule 


Choose a port number between 12-91. Duplicate port numbers are not allowed 

Trigger Mode 

The trigger mode is used to configure the trigger logic for when report events occur after a datapoint change or threshold crossing 

Slave ID 

This ID will be defaulted to 1. 

Modbus Function 

Choose which Modbus function this rule will trigger 


Address of Modbus Register. Both hex and decimal addresses are supported. A hex address must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535 

Report Interval 

The minimum rate at which the device should communicate the status of the Modbus register 

Poll Rate 

Interval at which the IEC will poll the Modbus register 

Ack Mode 

Shows whether an acknowledgement is required for the X-ON cloud 


Minimum time that must pass between trigger events before IEC transmits 


Value that the trigger mode logic is comparing against. Both hex and decimal addresses are supported. A hex address must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535. 


Both hex and decimal addresses are supported. A hex address must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535. 


Number of 16-bit Modbus registers to read 


4-20 mA Rules 

 Figure 18 


Choose a name for your edge rule 


Choose a port number between 12-91. Duplicate port numbers are not allowed 

Trigger Mode 

The trigger mode is used to configure the trigger logic for when report events occur after a datapoint change or threshold crossing 

Report Interval 

The rate at which the device is communicating its state to the X-ON Cloud. 

Poll Rate 

The rate at which the device is checking its own state. 

Ack Mode 

Shows whether an acknowledgement is required from the device 


The time before a new trigger event can be acted upon 

Value (mA) 

This value must be between 4-20 up to two decimal places 


Tilt Sense Rules 

 Figure 19 


Choose a name for your edge rule 


Choose a port number between 12-91. Duplicate port numbers are not allowed 

Trigger Mode 

The trigger mode is used to configure the trigger logic for when report events occur after a datapoint change or threshold crossing 

Report Interval 

The rate at which the device is communicating its state to the X-ON Cloud. 

Triggered Report Interval 

The report interval once the triggered definition has been met 

Poll Rate 

The rate at which the device is checking its own state. 

Triggered Poll Rate 

The poll rate once the triggered definition has been met 

Ack Mode 

Shows whether an acknowledgement is required from the device 

Angle Change Value 

The value which is used in the trigger logic. The value must be a decimal value between 0-359.9. The value  

Trigger Time 

The time the angle change value needs have persisted before the trigger event is acknowledged. 


Shock Detection Rules 

 Figure 20 


Choose a name for your edge rule 


Choose a port number between 12-91. Duplicate port numbers are not allowed 

Trigger Mode 

The trigger mode is used to configure the trigger logic for when report events occur after a datapoint change or threshold crossing 

Ack Mode 

Shows whether an acknowledgement is required from the device 

Shock Detection Threshold 

Both hex and decimal addresses are supported. A hex address must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535 

Debounce Time 

The time before a new trigger event can be acted upon 


IO Status Rules 


 Figure 21 


Choose a name for your edge rule 


Choose a port number between 12-91. Duplicate port numbers are not allowed 

Trigger Mode 

The trigger mode is used to configure the trigger logic for when report events occur after a datapoint change or threshold crossing 

Report Interval 

The rate at which the device is communicating its state to the X-ON Cloud. 

Poll Rate 

The rate at which the device is checking its own state. 

Ack Mode 

Shows whether an acknowledgement is required from the device 


The time before a new trigger event can be acted upon 


Both hex and decimal values are supported. A hex value must be 1 byte and a decimal value must be between 0-255. 


Remote Commands 

Remote Commands allows for saving Read Modbus commands that the user can execute on demand 

Modbus Remote Commands 

 Figure 22 


Choose a name for your remote command 


Port number must be 10 or 11 

Modbus Function 

Choose between the Read and Write Modbus functions available 

Response Required 

Choose if a confirmation response is required from the device. This should only be used for critical scenarios where high network usage is tolerated. 



Slave ID 

Choose the Slave ID for this remote command 


Both hex and decimal addresses are supported. A hex address must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535. 

Read Registers 

The number of read registers that will be used for this remote command 


When using Write Modbus function the values supported are both hex and decimal. A hex value must be 2 bytes and a decimal address must be between 0-65535 


Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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