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HOW TO: Install RealPort in Red Hat EL or CentOS 6/7

First ensure the following package dependencies are installed on your system:

make, rpm-build, bash, gcc, glibc-devel, kernel-devel, kernel-headers, ncurses-devel, perl, and tcsh.

The kernel-devel and kernel-headers packages must match your running kernel exactly (as shown from the uname -r command).

Installed packages can be checked using rpm.  For example:

#  rpm -qa | grep rpm-build

Linux packages are typically installed using yum.  For example: 

#  yum install [package_name]

Download the latest source rpm driver package:

Capture and begin the driver compilation/installation: 

# script 

# rpmbuild --rebuild 40002086_[X.]src.rpm

Change to directory /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/(arch):

# cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/(arch)

Where (arch) represents your system architecture (for example:  i386, x86_64, etc...).  

Use rpm to install the new driver package by typing:

# rpm -ivv dgrp-(version).(arch).rpm

Configure the adapters and load the module by typing the following from an XWindow or Xterm session:

# dgrp_gui

Alternatively, to configure the adapter from the command line (non-GUI):

# dgrp_cfg_node init (ttyid) (ip_address) (number_of_ports)

The following example configures a 16 port PortServer with device names of ttya00 through ttya15:

# dgrp_cfg_node init a 16

Completing the installation, press:

# [Ctrl] d

A successful installation will create devices labeled /dev/ttyx## (where x represents the ttyid selected during the configuration). The adapter and port status can be confirmed with dpa.dgrp (Digi Port Authority):

# dpa.dgrp

If the installation failed, a file called "typescript" will have been created in the directory you were in when you typed the "script" command which will be useful for debugging errors.

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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