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Login Credentials for a Digi Transport (SAROS device)

Factory Reset:

You should factory reset your Transport.  Here is a link on how to factory reset your device, which includes using the reset button on the router:


Factory Login Credentials:

To be sure, here is a link regarding the Digi default passwords:

For most Digi Transports, the credentials are as follows:

Username: username

Password: password

Otherwise, if you see a password on the label of the unit, it will be:

Username: admin

Password: The unique password on the device's label.

Otherwise, please be sure to try the other variations in the article above.


Serial Port:

If still issues, for the WR21, WR31, WR44, that is Transports with a serial interface, here is something else you can try:

Connect to the device via the serial.  You may need to use a USB to serial converter if your PC or laptop does not have a serial port. 
Look in Device Manager to know what your serial port is on your laptop.

  1. Use PuTTY, or similar, to connect to your Transport.  It should be set with 115200, 8, 1, N, No Parity, No flow control.  Note that your WR21 will not require the password via serial.
  2. Enter the following commands:

user 1 name xxxxxx
user 1 password yyyyyy
config 0 save
(where xxxxxx is the name you are assigning and yyyyyy is the password)

Try logging in with your new credentials. 

If still issues, please provide an image of your label, for Tech Support, and open a ticket.

Last updated: Apr 25, 2024

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